应用程序 Dates 和 Process

Important 应用程序 Dates for 制药. D. 候选人

制药.D. 应用程序 Process

  • All verified applications undergo a preliminary review for minimum admission requirements, 之后,合格的申请人将被邀请参加面试. All interviews are by invitation only. 
  • Limited Merit Scholarships are available to new incoming Doctor of 制药acy students who have demonstrated strong academic achievement. 奖学金获得者将在接受时收到通知.
  • UNE通过电子邮件传达所有状态更新,通知和录取决定.

有关具体的学习日期,请浏览 UNE Academic Calendar.

Please Note: As of 09/01/2020, the College of 制药acy was renamed the School of 制药acy 和 merged into the Westbrook College of 健康 Professions.

Pre-制药acy Admission

For Pre-制药acy Admission visit Undergraduate 招生 to find details on admissions criteria for the two (2) year Pre-制药acy undergraduate program.




十大网络彩票平台大全药学院参加了 药学学院集中申请服务. 所有申请人都必须通过这项服务在线申请.

The UNE School of 制药acy utilizes a holistic approach in the evaluation of applicants, 目的是找出有独特优势的候选人, 经历, 和 perspectives.

Degree Requirement

All c和idates must complete a minimum of two (2) years of pre-professional coursework from a U.S. regionally accredited institution or international equivalent (minimum total of forty (40) semester or sixty (60) quarter credits).

  • All applicants are required to submit official 成绩单 from all colleges 和 universities attended. 正式成绩单应直接寄至 制药CAS. Please refer to the 制药CAS 申请更多信息和说明.

GPA Requirement

  • Overall GPA of 2.75 or higher is preferred, as calculated by 制药CAS (inclusive of all coursework taken with no forgiveness for retakes).
  • Prerequisite GPA of 2.75 or higher is preferred, 由十大网络彩票平台大全根据获得的最佳成绩计算(如果有重复的课程).

Prerequisite Coursework 需求

Course SubjectCourse CreditsCourse Details
Cellular Biology4 semester or 6 quarter credits
  • 实验室要求
人体解剖学 or 解剖学 & 生理学我3 semester or 4.5 quarter credits
  • Lab Not Required
生理学 or 解剖学 & 生理学二世3 semester or 4.5 quarter credits
  • Lab Not Required
  • 动物生理学和运动生理学 可以满足这个要求.
General Chemistry I General Chemistry II8 semester or 12 quarter credits
  • 实验室要求
Organic Chemistry I4 semester or 6 quarter credits
  • 实验室要求
有机化学II,生物化学或遗传学3 semester or 4.5 quarter credits
  • Lab Not Required
物理我 or Statistics for Life 科学s3 semester or 4.5 quarter credits
  • Lab Not Required
College Calculus or Pre-Calculus3 semester or 4.5 quarter credits
  • College-Level course required
English Composition3 semester or 4.5 quarter credits
  • College-level course required
Social 科学3 semester or 4.5 quarter credits
  • 课程可以是心理学、社会学、经济学、人类学或政治学
General Education3 semester or 4.5 quarter credits
  • Course can be in any discipline 除了 对科学 和/或 数学

Additional Recommended Courses

  • 微生物学
  • Public Speaking
  • Behavioral 科学s (e.g. 心理学)


  • 所有的先决条件课程必须成功完成,成绩为C or better (C- grades are 不 acceptable).
  • All 数学 和 science courses should be completed within ten (10) years of anticipated enrollment into the UNE Doctor of 制药acy program. Courses beyond the ten (10) year limit will be reviewed by the 招生 Committee on a case-by-case basis.
  • 接受AP学分以满足先决条件要求, as long as the course, 主题, 和 credits are broken down 和 detailed as transfer credit on the applicant's undergraduate transcript.
  • All courses must be successfully completed with official 成绩单 submitted to the UNE Office of Graduate 招生 & 项目开始前的招聘.
  • After application submission, official 成绩单 for coursework 和/或 degrees completed in the fall term should be submitted to 制药CAS for verification during the fall Academic Update 期.
  • All planned or in-progress coursework (including prerequisite coursework) must be listed on the 制药CAS application at the time of application submission; 不 doing so will result in the applicant 不 meeting all admissions requirements 和 therefore will 不 be eligible for admission review.
  • 在线课程,如通过 UNE’s 在线 科学 Prerequisites 以及其他地区认可的美国商学院的在线课程.S. 学院或大学可以接受项目批准.

St和ardized Tests

药学大学入学考试(PCAT)是 required for admission.

Letters of Evaluation

Two (2) letters of evaluation are required as part of the application 和 no more than four (4) will be accepted - submitted directly to 制药CAS

  • We encourage at least one (1) letter from a faculty or pharmacist who can speak to the applicant's ability to be successful in a doctoral-level graduate program 和/或 work experience.
  • 不接受来自朋友或家人的信件.

Experience Hours

  • 所有的经历都应该直接列在制药CAS申请表上.
  • 建议具有医疗保健相关经验,但不是必需的.

Personal Statement

  • Please refer to the 制药CAS application for specific writing prompts 和 additional information.



  • Qualified applicants will be contacted 和 invited to interview by the Office of Graduate 招生 & 招聘.
  • 面试只接受邀请.

International Applicants

International applicants 和 those with foreign degrees 和 coursework are required to satisfy the following additional requirements:

  • Official credential evaluation by World Education Service (WES),确认学位和等级与美国的相当.S. bachelor’s degree. 完成的证书评估应直接发送给制药CAS. Please refer to the International 招生 ,以获取更多信息.
  • Applicants whose first language is 不 English must demonstrate written 和 spoken fluency through the successful completion of a UNE-approved English language proficiency test for graduate students.
  • Applicants should refer to the English Language Proficiency 页面,了解可接受测试的具体信息, minimum score requirements, 和 test score submission instructions.

Other 需求

Prior to matriculation, accepted 和 deposited students will be required to complete the following compliance requirements:

  • 完成体格检查并提供最新免疫接种证明. Please refer to UNE’s Student 健康 Center for detailed information.
  • Satisfactory completion of a criminal background check 和/或 drug screen prior to matriculation, 以及在整个项目中定期进行(根据临床单位的要求).
  • All students must be able to meet all Academic 和 Technical St和ards of the pharmacy profession.

All materials submitted as part of the application become the property of UNE 和 will 不 be returned or released to anyone, including the applicant. 这项政策包括推荐信, primary 和 secondary applications, personal statements, 成绩单, 和 other supporting materials.

Policy 除了ions

  • Policies are established to ensure fair 和 consistent admissions practice for all applicants to the university 和 its programs.
  • All criteria presented in this summary are 主题 to change per professional accreditation requirements, 课程及/或其他院校标准的改变, 和 clinical affiliation requirements.
  • Exceptions to existing admission policies are rare 和 made only when it is deemed necessary 和 appropriate to maintain fair 和 consistent practice for all c和idates, 不 individual c和idates.

Transfer credit

  • Transfer credits may be awarded to students who transfer to UNE from a不her Doctor of 制药acy program.
  • 药学院教务处主任, with input from program faculty, 是否会根据具体情况审查课程并授予转学分.

Experiential learning

  • 体验式学习不获学分.

制药.D. 招生 FAQ

How can I find out about the status of my application to UNE’s Doctor of 制药acy program?

You will receive an email confirming receipt of your verified application from the Office of Graduate 招生 和 招聘. All communication from Graduate 招生 和 招聘 will be sent to the email address listed on your 制药CAS application. 如果您想查看您的申请状态,请 给研究生招生和招聘办公室发邮件.


缅因州和新英格兰的学生没有名额限制. 我们鼓励所有地区的学生申请入学.

我可以更新或更改我的制药吗.D. application post-submission?

是的,可以在提交后进行更新. 可以添加经验,但不允许编辑以前提交的信息. Coursework can be updated during the Academic Update Period from mid-December to mid-February. 查看更多十大网络彩票平台大全制药CAS更新的信息

I am reapplying to UNE 制药D. What do I need to do?

Applicants reapplying to the UNE Doctor of 制药acy program need to resubmit all application materials for any new cycle in which they apply, including: primary CAS application, 成绩单, letters of recommendation, written statements 和 responses, fees 和 payments, 以及任何其他所需的文件. 申请人也应积极更新自己的经验, extracurricular activities, clinical involvement, 和 volunteering each cycle as well, 以反映最新的参与.

The University of New Engl和 School of 制药acy* participates in the 药学学院集中申请服务. 所有申请人都必须通过这项服务在线申请.

The director of academic affairs, 评估, 及药学院认证*, with input from program faculty, 是否会根据具体情况审查课程并授予转学分.